
Half-Way There!

$10,281 raised to date. We're on the "downhill" slide to our $20,000 goal - amazing! As I told a donor last week - saying "thank you" seems shallow, so we trust that you're giving because you feel led by the Lord to help, or because you want to be a part of our kids lives - not because of anything we are doing. It's not about us - it has never been about us. We're just a tool for God to use, just as so many of you have been a pipe to channel His resources into this journey. So thank you - from the bottom of our hearts - for being a part of this story.

HONEST ADOPTION UPDATE: We're still waiting. In a moment of unguarded frustration this week, I told my co-workers that I think it's time for me to wear a sign around my neck that says, "No change. No update. Nothing to report. Please stop asking - when we know, we'll share." Thankfully they were able to laugh and empathize with me, allowing me to vent and then move on. :) 

As introverts - and naturally private people - the attention and interest can become overwhelming. I'm sure we're not the only ones who have felt that way - introverts or not - while waiting on something to happen (a house to close, a move, a new job), so some of you reading this can probably understand where we're coming from. 

In my head, I know those asking do mean well and are genuinely interested, but it's also why we waited three years before we told people outside of our immediate circle. We knew - before we ever started - that it would be a long road. We didn't feel up to facing 3 years of questions, 3 years of saying, "Nope, nothing new. Still working through the process." And despite posting weekly updates now, the questions still come and they always will - it's something we have to learn how to handle with grace. :) 

Of course... there's also the possibility that God knows we need more practice in dealing with a lot of repetitive questions - we are getting 5 young children. ;) 

Bottom Line Update: adoptions take time and patience and grace. One day at a time. #iamthankful

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