
That Got The Ball Rolling!

We've just rolled 24 hours since I shared our Adoption Story, and Peter and I are blown away by your responses! The story I wrote up has been shared over 460 times (WOW!), and in just 24 hours we've had 10 individuals invest in this adventure, putting us 1/20th of the way to our goal. 

Once again God has reminded us (this time through YOU) that He knows what we need, and He's in charge, not us. As a (recovering) control freak, that's a hard one for me to remember, but I am so thankful for each one of you who has given financially and those who have expressed their excitement over the last day. After 3 years of keeping this under our hats, it's been fun to be able to share with you what God is doing. Thanks for being a part of our team. 


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